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Wethersfield Institute

Coming soon we will have downloadable versions of the below publications. Email with any questions. 


(Proceedings from 1986 conference)

Papers presented by Matthew Santirocco, Meyer Reinhold, Daniel Sherrin, Jozef Ijewijn, and George Kennedy. 

Latin and the Church

Papers presented by Matthew Santirocco, Meyer Reinhold, Daniel Sherrin, Jozef Ijewijn, and George Kennedy. 


A revision of Egan’s presentation sponsored by the Wethersfield Institute at Columbia University during a conference “Latin in Today’s World” from September 5-7, 1986.

Newman Today

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 1, 1988)

Papers presented by Paul Chavasse, Marvin O’Connell, Ian Ker, Jose Morales, and Stanley Jaki.

The Catholic Writer

(Proceedings from 1989 conference)

Papers presented by Gregory Wolfe, Russell Hittinger, Edward A. Synan, Michael Novak, Frederick Wilhelmsen, Alice von Hildebrand, and more.

The Catholic Woman

(Proceedings from 1990 conference)

Papers presented by Mary Rousseau, Janet Smith, Alice von Hildebrand, and Mary Hayden.

The Mind and the Heart of the Church

(Proceedings from 1991 conference)

Papers presented by James Hitchcock, Robert A. George, Jude P. Dougherty, Ronald P. McArthur, Paul V. Mankowski, SJ, Janet E. Smith, Alice von Hildebrand.

When Conscience and Politics Meet: A Catholic View

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 5, 1992)

Papers presented by Russell Kirk, Russell Hittinger, Fr. Francis Canavan, William Bentley Ball, James Hitchcock, and Mary Ellen Bork.

Genesis of a Slander: Columbus, Catholics and the New World

(March 5, 1992)

By Fr. Marvin O’Connell, professor of history at the University of Notre Dame.


(Proceedings from 1992 conference)

Papers presented by Rev. Marvin R. O’Connell, Msgr. Florence D. Cohalan, and Dr. Lewis A. Tambs.

Genesis 1 Through the Ages

by Fr. Stanley  L.  Jaki, 1992

Is There a Universe?

(Published by Wethersfield Institute, 1993)

by Stanley L. Jaki,

Sigrid Undset on Saints and Sinners

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 6, 1993)

Papers presented by Susan T. Vigilante, Evelyn Birge Vitz, Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, Paul Evans, Msgr. Edward A. Synan, Mitzi M. Brunsdale, and David A. Bovenizer.

Christianity and Western Civilization: Christopher Dawson's Insights: Can a Culture Survive the Loss of Its Religious Roots?

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 7., 1995)

Papers presented at a Conference Sponsored by the Wethersfield Institute, New York City, October 15, 1993.

The Ever Illuminating Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 8, 1994)

Papers presented by Peter Kreeft, Marie I. George, John M. Haas, Ralph McInerny, Russell Hittinger and Ronald McArthur.

Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe

(Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute, Vol. 9, 1999)

Papers presented by William A. Dembski, Stephen C. Meyer, and Michael J. Behe.

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